Spring remodel your kitchen

Spring is here and it’s the perfect time to think about renovating your kitchen! Now that the holidays are over and you don’t have the excuse of winter, there’s no excuse to push off any renovation plans that you were thinking about for the New Year.

Your kitchen is more than just a place to cook. It’s a statement room in your house that holds memories and makes a house feel like a home. It doesn’t matter if you feel like your kitchen is small or too big, there are plenty of ways to renovate the situation. Hiring home remodel specialist like Noma Design & Build can help you achieve your dream kitchen.

Here are some ways you can spruce up your kitchen this spring:

New Appliances

Tired of your appliances that you got for your wedding 10 years ago? Or is your stove or fridge just getting too old? Adding new appliances to your kitchen could be the touch of style that could make your kitchen look modern.

Add Space

If you feel like your kitchen could use some extra space, then knocking some walls down or removing some bulky cabinets can certainly add more space for you to move around. You could also replace bigger and older appliances with smaller ones to add a minimal affect.

Fresh Coat of Paint

The walls of your kitchen can make a real difference. Replacing that old wall paper or even trading out the texture of your walls from tile to wood, or paint will give your kitchen a fresh look. The color on your walls can give it a fresh and clean feel. Using lighter paints could make your kitchen look more open and bigger.

Replace Floors

Last but not least, replace those floors! Floors shouldn’t have to be ignored. Floors can give the illusion of a bigger room. You can go any way with the type of floors you choose to put in your kitchen. Tiles and hardwood floors are very popular in modern homes. They are easier to clean and add a sense of luxury.

Now that you’ve been inspired by kitchen upgrades, it’s time to give Noma Design & Build a call to create that brand new kitchen that you’ve been dreaming of.


Home remodeling doesn’t have to seem like a chore, in fact it can be rewarding and extremely beneficial. Whether its remodeling the exterior, interior, or even just one room, it will feel like a

Our team at Noma Design & Build has been working in home remodeling for years and we can help add value to your home by using the latest technology and craftsmanship that will enhance the look and feel of your home.


Contact us today!

4225 Executive Sq, Ste 600, La Jolla, CA 92037 (858) 373-9902 / (619) 723-2408


Monday – Sunday: 7:00 AM – 7:00 PM Saturday:
